Highest Price Increase Per Ottawa Neighbourhoods - July 2018

Ottawa's real estate market is seeing some great gains across the board. The best performing neighbourhoods in Ottawa compared with July 2017 have been Hintonburg / West Centre Town with a 12.1% increase, Barrhaven with a $12.7%, Manotick / Kars with a 10.4% increase, Blossom Park, Airport with a 10% increase, Overbrook and Castle Heights with a 10% increase, Elmvale Acres with a 9.8% increase and finally Kanata has seen a 9.6% increase in the last 12 months.

The benchmark prices are below.

Hintonburg / West Centre Town $541,800

Barrhaven $399,500

Manotick, Kars $550,800

Blossom Park and Aiport $455,100

Overbrook, Castle Heights $429,100

Elmvale Acres $419,700

Kanata $443,600

average prices ottawa homes

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