Ottawa University LRT Station - Update
Roch St-Georges 5 years ago

The Ottawa LRT is scheduled to open later this year and some stations are looking great! Here are a few shots from the Ottawa University Station (uOttawa LRT Station).

Those looking to live near the Sandy Hill, the ByWard Market or Centre Town be sure to visit our uOttawa LRT station page to find local accommodation. Looking for assitance to buy or rent in the area call 613-889-7732 

Ottawa's LRT Opening Soon
Roch St-Georges 5 years ago

With the opening of the Ottawa LRT Confederation Line opening later this year the topic surrounding Ottawa LRT stations and what it all means for the Ottawa Real Estate Market is often talked about.

Although living close to a light rail train station in our beautiful City can bring more noise from commuters using the LRT station it is viewed as a benefit by most. Often the convenience of public transit will outweigh the negative points.


Homes and Condos on the Confederation Line

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Roch St-Georges
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