Best Ottawa Neighbourhoods for Families - Where to Live in Ottawa

How to Pick the Right Ottawa Neighborhood

Choosing your right Ottawa neighborhood is more tiring than choosing your dream house. When you are finding the location of your purchased home, you must also keep in mind that you must also find the right Ottawa neighborhood. If you are finding your perfect match, you must ask yourself first.

What are the features of neighborhood do you want and what are the traits you want to be possessed by your neighbor? Is it like a peaceful place with many plants and trees that will give you fresh air or a place near supermarkets and malls? It always depends upon you. If you now have a picture on your mind with the features of your good neighborhood, then it’s time to consider some factors.

A great neighbourhood for families looking to live in Orleans is Avalon.

Find a neighborhood that is peaceful

This kind of neighborhood usually finds in rural areas where it is a place that you can relax and breathe in fresh air. Unlike in urban cities that are the place of supermarkets and malls, it is more susceptible to crime happenings. It is up to you where the place you might choose but rural areas are much preferable to be your neighborhood.

Go to the Police Area

Police officers will give you the information about a certain place. This is your best option to know if a particular place is a crime free area. Police officers will also provide you with information about people who are living there if they are active on every program like an anti-crime program and etc. By doing this research, you will get ideas if that place is safe to live in.

houses in ottawa best neighbourhoods

Explore the area

Take a walk in the area that will be your Ottawa neighborhood. Do this alternatively to get some information around you. You must also look in the conditions of streets and lights. You must also observe your neighbor. In observing your future neighbors, you must not believe in the saying “the first impression lasts” because you cannot judge a certain person through his looks or state of living. Also, observe the atmosphere of a certain place.

China Town in Ottawa / Also Know as West Centre Town


You must also consider the transportation of a certain place on picking your right neighborhood in Ottawa. There must be a public transportation available in there in case that you don’t have your own car. It must be available in your chosen Ottawa neighborhood for it is much important if you have works or kids that must attend school.

Is there a school for your kids? If ever

If you have your kids, the first thing you must consider finding a right Ottawa neighborhood is a school for your children. Another thing that you must consider for the education of your children is the time to get your children in school. Is your house near your children’s school or far? If it is afar, is there any public service you can use to get your children at the right time in their school? If yes, that place will be good as your neighborhood.

Article by Jessica

If you are looking to buy or sell real estate in Ottawa's urban core and want to discuss the best and worst neigbhourhoods call Roch St-Georges to discuss your specific real estate needs. 613-889-7732

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