Sharia Compliance in Canadian Mortgages: Unveiling the Role of Sharia Boards
Roch St-Georges 1 month ago

In today's diverse financial ecosystem, the demand for Sharia-compliant financial products is on the rise, reflecting the growing Muslim population in Canada and their commitment to adhering to Islamic laws. Among these products, halal mortgages stand out as a crucial need for Muslim Canadians looking to own a home without compromising their religious beliefs. This article aims to shed light on the indispensable role that Sharia boards play in ensuring mortgage products are not only compliant wi...

Financing with Faith: How Halal Mortgages Differ from Traditional Loans
Roch St-Georges 1 month ago

In today's diverse financial marketplace, the choice between halal and conventional mortgages is more than just a decision about interest rates—it's a matter of faith, ethics, and personal values. For many Muslim homebuyers, adhering to Islamic financial principles is paramount, making halal mortgages an essential tool for achieving homeownership without compromising their beliefs. Unlike conventional mortgages that thrive on interest—a concept prohibited in Islam—halal financing offers a Sharia...

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